Night Market

night_market_thumb The famous Cameron Highlands Night Market “Pasar Malam” is right smack in the center of Brinchang town. It opens during the weekends during normal weeks. But during school holidays or public holiday it opens nightly and they start as early set-up at 3 pm and will end up 10pm or so, you can buy vegetables, flowers, fruits, souvenirs gift, t-shirt, strawberry, tea, etc. It is a lot of food stalls at the pasar malam. Night market also near all the local restaurants with walking distant.

After visiting the fruits and vegetable farms, you might want to buy some. The market is a good place to look for everything under one roof. The main markets are located in Kea Farm and on Saturday nights a night market comes alive in Brinchang offering an abundance of fruits, flowers, vegetables and souvenirs, not to mention food!

Drive from main road between Tanah Rata and Brinchang either township is a mere 10 to 15 minutes on normal days. During weekends and public and school holidays it may take up to 30 minutes or more on. So during the peak season’s holiday you must arrange early and remember the nights are still cool and the day can be as high as 23 to 25 degrees Celsius during mid day till 1pm or 4 pm.

白天参观水果和蔬菜农场旅游景点, 周五、周六及学校假期晚上最好的活动,当然是游览Brinchang"碧兰璋"夜市场。这是个一站式购买天堂。这里有大量的本地水果(西红柿、柑、橙、番茄、爱情果、番石榴、水晶梨 等)、花卉、蔬菜 (象胡罗花椰菜、卷心菜、蘑菇、豆、豌豆、花茎甘蓝、芹菜、胡椒、阔叶菜和其它种类的蔬菜) 纪念品和各式各样的食品应有尽有。感受这里夜间的冷,天然冷气空调,如遇到下雨或吹风的季节夜晚特别寒冷。